How much does it cost for shipment of a product?

Answer: We offer free shipping to every customer for every product no matter how big or small.

How long does it take for a product to ship after making an order?

Answer: If ordered before 3 P.M. we ship the product the same day, if not it will be shipped out the next day. It usually takes 3 to 5 buisness days to recieve your order.

What company do you use to ship out orders?

Answer: We use two companys either UPS, or USPS.

What is your return policy?

Answer: We will accept returns under a few conditions, the product must not be damaged, and it has to be within 30 days of when you ordered the product.

What payment methods do you accept, and how do we know that it is secure?

Answer: We accept paypal, your product will be protected under the paypal service we will not give out your information to other third party companies, your information will only be used for our company/website.